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The Book "The Glass Castle" Seems like it will be a riveting memoir  about a girls cross country journey. It describes the life of a girl who's family is starting to become difficult, and at the age of 18 she leaves her house and family behind and hops onto a bus and that is heading on its way to the Big Apple (New York). I personally didn't choose the book, although now to think of it I believe that it was fate that had brought us towards each other. As well I really hope that since it was fate that brought the book to me, I hope it was it's intent for me to love and desire to keep reading this memoir.  The Glass Castle also seems like it will be very heartfelt and full of emotion From the beginning to end. I cannot wait to read this emotion filled book by Jeannette Walls.

Many things that James Natchwey does throughout the documentary "War Photographer" stands out very prominently for me. Some of the thing James does that stand out is that he goes into the absolute worst war-torn, and/or poverty struck places around the world to take photos of that place. James does this so that others all around the globe can see what is going on in these areas and possibly try to do something to help change these places. The one place that stood out the most towards me was how James went to Indonesia to show, how the poor and poverty struck  people of this country really lived. When James was in Indonesia he met up with a family that literally lives in between two rail road tracks, and the father of this family was run over by at train many years back and has lost and arm and a leg. This stood out for me because I am unable to fathom how places around the world allow their citizen to live like this. The other reason that this stood out was that because James took a photo of the father and the family, someone around the world wrote a letter to James saying that they will donate twenty dollars every moth to help this family. On a side note, I highly recommend this documentary.

I concur with Dr. Neil Degrasse Tyson's thought about what is the most astounding fact about the universe completely. I agree due to the fact that I find it just incredible that everything in the Universe no matter the size or shape is connected on a deeper level because every thing is made up using carbon, oxygen and hydrogen. These elements are found all over the endless Universe that we all live in, and those exact elements are the essence for all life and planets in our Universe. The main reason that I agree with Dr. Neil Degrasse Tyson's thought is because I absolutely adore the idea that I am but a menial part in the massive scheme of the Universe and that everything that has/will, ever exist will/does have a parts connecting me to it.
Michael Oher demonstrates the "high 5" principals in many ways, he shows heart because when he never worries about his own safety when others could be at risk, helping others makes him very happy. He shows that he is okay with change because he adapts to living with a family rather than out on the streets. Mike shows that learning is ongoing because even though he has finished school he still corrects his mistakes on and off the football field. Mike shows us to focus on the journey  because even though he misses opportunity along the way he never regrets not doing it. Michael uses his allies in the way that he lets them help him along the way like how he let the Tuohy's into his life and they helped him out tremendously 

   In class we were watching the movie "V for Vendetta". This movie was fun to watch but has lessons and interesting themes to it. In the movie "V for vendetta" V retaliates against a majorly corrupt domoceracy government which had  become a dictatorship to keep their country  under control. Most people just ignore the fact that the government is abusing their power, but others take action which usually happens with most dictatorhsips.

    In this movie it is easy to tell that there is a lack of human rights and personal freedom. The government is  controling the people and abusing their power by setting curfews and raiding peoples houses and putting them in black bags whenever they do something or say  something that the dictator doesn't like. Also when Evey is out past curfew random strangers come and try to assault her, it seems as though they are working for the government secretly even though they don't look like it.

    As well you see how V takes measures to fight back against the government. Since protesting against the government would probably get you dragged away to prison or killed, someone had to fight against
them a different way. V decides to fight them literally and to use explosives to
get the message out to the government that they can't always be in control of
everything. The government always tried to cover up the truth and make things
seem better than they really were. These kinds of governments and protesters
still exist today, lets just hope things don't get as bad in the world as they
did in the movie.


The trip to the tannery was an amazing experience that I highly recommend to anyone who can go.

At the tannery there is Google's Kitchener office , Communitech and VeloCity Which are all great companies that can and do fantastic and creative things using technology, like a 3-D projection room called "the hive" created by Christie Digital and Communitech, that is incredible and has an abundance of uses and possibilities.

I am Robin a.k.a Mac Oja and I enjoy playing football for my school HHSS